
Micro-frontends: The path to a scalable future — part 1


We have all heard the term microservices and perhaps have worked with them in the backend world. Before microservices, there were monolith applications. Back then, team and application growth was leading monolithic applications into a non-scalable dead-end. The codebase was growing, and technologies were getting older. All of this has made migrations and upgrades incredibly painful and frustrating.

An increase in project growth meant that multiple teams would unwittingly create further bottlenecks and inter-team dependencies. Deployments and releases were being micro-managed, but the growing amount of unmanaged technical debt would cause problems further down the line.

The same problems were present in the front-end world too. Again, you can structure the fanciest framework/library at that time and build your application with the best intentions. However, several years later, your tiny little application will inevitably become huge and force you to increase the size of your team. Eventually, this work will be split between multiple teams that will find themselves spending hours defining a release management schedule.

It’s around this time that you will hear about another cool library trending in the industry. Exploring the complexities of how to migrate to a new library while maintaining the old one typically leads to paranoia and eventually makes you give up on the idea because it’s just too much hassle. But you are also faced with a shrinking number of engineers who are willing to work with deprecated technologies. The chosen path has led you to a non-scalable dead-end.

A path to scalability

Try to imagine what the outcome would have looked like would we bravely decide to choose a different path. First, we should know that everything comes with a price, and with great power comes great responsibility. That power is the implementation of micro-frontends, which is

an architectural pattern to develop and maintain web application as a composition of small front-end applications

With back-end microservices, we had completely separate services with their separate DB and API. Microservices can be divided by business logic. For example, in an e-commerce app, we can have different microservices for a product catalog, user’s shopping cart, orders, etc. Without micro-frontend applications, it would have been a monolithic front-end application communicating with different back-end microservices (Fig. 1).

Figure 1. Application with monolith front-end and back-end microservices.

By splitting up the front-end into micro-frontends, we can align front-end and back-end architecture approaches and have a more robust and elegant full-stack architecture (Fig. 2).

Figure 2. End-to-end front-end and back-end microservices.
Figure 2. End-to-end front-end and back-end microservices.

With this approach, we can reach several significant benefits:

  • Team and technology autonomy: each team would have its own mission on the product and could select its own technology stack;
  • Small, maintainable, and de-coupled codebases: each team’s codebase would remain small and isolated from others’ codebases;
  • Independent release management: each team would be able to independently release its own part of the application saving a lot of time on inter-team communication and release schedule;
  • Painless upgrades and migrations: having small codebases and being free of inter-team dependency would lead to painless and independent upgrades of application technologies as well as migrations from the old one to a new one;

With the mentioned benefits, there are also challenges attached to implementing the micro-frontends architecture. There will still remain some issues and concerns that will be shared between teams such as web performance, a common design system, etc.

Even though the idea behind micro-services and micro-frontends is very similar, the implementation challenges are slightly different, and we will discuss them in the next section.

Micro-frontends integration concepts

There are three main concepts and problems to be taken into consideration when implementing the micro-frontend architecture.

Routing and page transition

This is one of the most important concepts. Regardless of how many micro-frontends are implemented in our application, it is crucial to handle transitions between micro-frontends (Fig. 3) properly. That said, users must never notice a switch from one micro-frontend application to another when navigating in the application.

Figure 3. The transition from one micro-frontend to another.

Page transition, which is also known as routing, can be either server or client-side. Let’s briefly go over each of them.

  • Server routing: on each transition (usually triggered by a click), there is a request to a server to obtain and serve the whole HTML document to the user. This method eventually leads to a full page reload, which is also known as a hard transition. It has several pros and cons and was a traditional way to handle transitions before the client-side routing evolution.
  • Client routing: on each transition, only some part of the application is being reloaded and operated by JavaScript in the browser on the client-side. Compared to server routing, there is no full page reload and is also known as soft transition. It brings a much better user experience and is implemented in almost all modern web applications.

There is an excellent article that covers server and client routing in more detail. With micro-frontends, the problem has various solutions starting from simple link transitions (the way routing was being handled in the 90’s and early 2000’s) into multi-layered client-side routings(a very modern way of having one top-level routing for the whole application, and several low-level routings per each micro-frontend). They differ by their implementation complexity, so the selection should be made based on the needs of our application.


It might be necessary to have a page owned by one team, but it will include fragments from other teams. This means we should consider the composition of multiple micro-frontends within each other (Fig. 4). For example, we could have an e-commerce web application and a product detail page owned by one team. We should also show the shopping cart content, which is owned by another team.

Figure 4. Composition of multiple micro-frontends.

Composition is a rendering concern which, similarly to routing, can be client and/or server-side:

  • Server-side rendering (SSR): with SSR or Universal rendering, our page document is being constructed and rendered on the server and served to the user. It is beneficial on the initial page load of an application as it is much more performant than rendering it on the client-side.
  • Client-side rendering (CSR): With CSR, our application page content is being constructed, rendered, and loaded on the client-side, operated by JavaScript. This type of rendering is used with all modern libraries and frameworks.

There are many cases when having just SSR or CSR will not be enough to meet our app needs (for example, when we need good SEO, a smooth user experience, and a fast content load). In these cases, the application uses both server and client-side rendering.

In most cases, the most relevant and essential content is being rendered server-side. It is being served to the user first, and afterward, the rest and more dynamic content is being handed over to JavaScript, which renders it on the client-side. There is much more to say about CSR, SSR but it is out of our topic for now. I highly recommend reading this article to learn more about these concepts and differences.

Tip: Again, most of the applications use both client and server-side rendering. But there is an easy life-hack that can help you check which parts of an application are rendered on the server-side and which parts on the client-side. Simply go to your browser settings and turn off JavaScript. Then open your desired website, and you will see the content which is loaded on the server-side. Then by turning on JS again, reloading the page will allow JS to render the other parts handed over to the client-side.

As with routing, there are also many different techniques both server-side(SSI, Zalando, Podium, etc.) and client-side(iframe, Ajax, Web Components, etc.) to handle micro-frontends composition. Which of these to go with depends on our application requirements.


The last concept of micro-frontend integration is the communication between our micro-frontends (Fig. 5).

Figure 5. Communication between micro-frontends.

Remember that we can have multiple micro-frontends on one page, and interaction with one can eventually lead to others’ changes. For example, let’s imagine we are on the product detail page of an e-commerce application, and we want to add a product to our shopping cart.

On the header (which is another micro-frontend fragment application), there is an icon of our cart, which also has an indicator — the number of added items. Adding the product on the details page should also update the number of items on our header’s shopping cart icon. There can be multiple communication scenarios like parent to fragment, fragment to parent, as well as fragment to fragment, and each communication is being handled differently.

  • Parent to fragment: This case is similar to handling communication between the parent component to the child components. It can be done by passing the data to children via props/attributes. So if our fragment/child is implemented with web components technology, it should be getting some attributes when they are being loaded, and data change in parent micro-frontend can trigger changed data passing to the fragment/child micro-frontends;
  • Fragment to parent: In this case, we can use the browser’s native CustomEvents API. So, on the parent side, there can be a subscribed event listener, while inside a fragment, we emit/publish an event on data change. The event emitter will bubble up the data to the listener on the parent side, which will then be handled on the parent micro-frontend.
  • Fragment to fragment: In this case, we can use the combination of the previous two techniques by emitting events to the parent fragment, which will listen to the changes and pass them to another fragment via props/attributes.

Another way of micro-frontends communication is Broadcast Channel API, which is an implementation of the Publisher/Subscriber design pattern just like the Custom Events API.

What’s next?

So, we have learned how beneficial micro-frontends can be and what problems they can solve. We also learned what challenges and problems we might face when implementing the micro-frontend architecture. We saw that based on the described three concepts, some various technologies and patterns could be used to achieve a full micro-frontend integration.

This should be enough to understand the main concepts and the big picture of micro-frontend architecture. This article is the first part of the series of 3 articles. The next article will be focused on high-level micro-frontend architecture types starting from the simplest and ending with the most complex one. We will also learn the concepts that will help us go with the architecture type that best fits our needs. So, stay tuned.


Yaniv Levy

Yaniv Levy, Entrepreneur, visioner & technology passionate with over 20 years on vast experience as a Senior Software Engineer and a Software Architect.

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