Tagged: Client-side

Micro-frontends: The path to a scalable future — part 2

Micro-frontends: The path to a scalable future — part 2


So in Part 1 of this article, we’ve learned what micro-frontends are, what they are meant for, and what the main concepts associated with them are. In this part, we are going to dive deep into various micro-frontend architecture types. We will understand what characteristics they share and what they don’t. We’ll see how complex each architecture is to implement. Then through the documents-to-applications continuum concept, we will identify our application type and choose the proper micro-frontend architecture that meets our application’s needs at most.

Micro-frontend architecture characteristics

In order to define micro-frontend architecture types, let’s reiterate over two micro-frontend integration concepts that we learned in the first part: (Fig. 1 and 2).

  • routing/page transitions

For page transition, we’ve seen that there are server and client-side routings, which in another way are called hard and soft transitions. It’s “hard” because with server-side routing, each page transition leads to a full page reload, which means for a moment the user sees a blank page until the content starts to render and show up. And client-side routing is called soft because on page transition, only some part of the page content is being reloaded (usually header, footer, and some common content stays as it is) by JavaScript. So there is no blank page, and, also the new content is smaller so it arrives earlier than during the full page reload. Therefore, with soft transitions, we undoubtedly have a better user experience than with hard ones.

Figure 1. routing/page transition types

Currently, almost all modern web applications are Single Page Applications (SPAs). This is a type of application where all page transitions are soft and smooth. When speaking about micro-frontends, we can consider each micro-frontend as a separate SPA, so the page transitions within each of them can also be considered soft. From a micro-frontend architectural perspective, by saying page transitions, we meant the transitions from one micro frontend to another and not the local transitions within a micro frontend. Therefore this transition type is one of the key characteristics of a micro-frontend architecture type.

  • composition/rendering

For composition, we’ve spoken about the server and client-side renderings. In the 2000s, when JavaScript was very poor and limited, almost all websites were fully rendered on the server-side. With the evolution of web applications and JavaScript, client-side rendering became more and more popular. SPAs mentioned earlier also are applications with client-side rendering.

Figure 2. composition/rendering types

Currently, when saying server-side rendering or universal rendering, we don’t assume that the whole application is rendered on the server-side — it’s more like hybrid rendering where some content is rendered on the server-side and the other part on the client-side. In the first article about micro-frontends, we’ve spoken about the cases when universal rendering can be useful. So the rendering is the second characteristic of a micro-frontend architecture type.

Architecture types

Now that we have defined two characteristics of micro-frontend architecture, we can extract four types based on various combinations of those two.

Linked Applications

  • Hard transitions;
  • Client-side rendering;

This is the simplest case where the content rendering is being done on the client-side and where the transition between micro-frontends is hard. As an example, we can consider two SPAs that are hosted under the same domain (http://team.com). A simple Nginx proxy server serves the first micro-frontend on the path “/a” and the second micro-frontend on the path “/b.” Page transitions within each micro-frontend are smooth as we assumed they are SPAs.

The transition from one micro-frontend to another happens via links which in fact is a hard transition and leads to a full page reload (Fig. 3). This micro-frontend architecture has the simplest implementation complexity.

Figure 3. Linked application transition model

Linked Universal Applications

  • Hard transitions;
  • Universal rendering;

If we add universal rendering features to the previous case, we’ll get the Linked Universal Applications architecture type. This means that some content of either one or many micro frontends renders on the server-side. But still, the transition from one micro to another is done via links. This architecture type is more complex than the first one as we have to implement server-side rendering.

Unified Applications

  • Soft transitions;
  • Client-side rendering;

Here comes my favorite part. To have a soft transition between micro-frontends, there should be a shell-application that will act as an umbrella for all micro-frontend applications. It will only have a markup layout and, most importantly, a top-level client routing. So the transition from path “/a” to path “/b” will be handed over to the shell-application (Fig. 4). As it is a client-side routing and is the responsibility of JavaScript, it can be done softly, making a perfect user experience. Though this type of application is fully rendered on the client-side, there is no universal rendering of this architecture type.

Figure 4. Unified application with a shell application

Unified Universal Applications

  • Soft transitions;
  • Universal rendering;

And here we reach the most powerful and, at the same time, the most complex architecture type where we have both soft transitions between micro-frontends and universal rendering (Fig. 5).

Figure 5. Micro-frontend architecture types

A logical question can arise like, “oh, why don’t we pick the fourth and the best option?” Simply because these four architecture types have different levels of complexity, and the more complex our architecture is, the more we will pay for it for both implementation and maintenance (Fig. 6). So there is no absolute right or wrong architecture. We just have to find a way to understand how to choose the right architecture for our application, and we are going to do it in the next section.

Figure 6. Micro-frontend architecture types based on their implementation complexities.

Which architecture to choose?

There is an interesting concept called the documents-to-applications continuum (Fig. 7). It’s an axis with two ends where we have more content-centric websites, and on the other side, we have pure web applications that are behavior-centric.

  • Content-centric: the priority is given to the content. Think of some news or a blog website where users usually open an article. The content is what matters in such websites; the faster it loads, the more time the users save. There are not so many transitions in these websites, so they can easily be hard, and no one will care.
  • Behavior-centric: the priority is given to the user experience. These are pure applications like online code editors, and playgrounds, etc. In these applications, you are usually in a flow of multiple actions. Thus there are many route/state transitions and user interactions along with the flow. For such types of applications having soft transitions is key for good UX.
Figure 7. Correlation of the document-to-applications continuum and micro-frontend architecture types.

From Fig. 7, we can see that there is an overlap of content and behavior-centric triangles. This is the area where the progressive web applications lay. These are applications where both the content and the user experience are important. A good example is an e-commerce web application.

The faster the first page loads, the more pleasant it will be for the customers to stay on the website and shop.

The first example is that of a content-centric application, while the second one is behavior-centric.

Now let’s see where our architecture types lay in the document-to-applications continuum. Since we initially assumed that each micro-frontend is a SPA by itself, we can assume that all our architecture types lay in the behavior-centric spectrum. Note that this assumption of SPA’s is not a prerogative and is more of an opinionated approach. As both linked universal apps and universal unified apps have universal rendering features, they will lay in progressive web apps combined with both content and behavior-centric spectrums. Linked apps and unified apps are architecture types that are more suited to web applications where the best user experience has higher priority than the content load time.

First of all, we have to identify our application requirements and where it is positioned in the document-to-application continuum. Then it’s all about what complexity level of implementation we can afford.


This time, as we already learned the main concepts of micro-frontends, we dived deep into micro-frontend applications’ high-level architecture. We defined architecture characteristics and came up with four types. And at the end, we learned how and based on what to choose our architecture type. I’d like to mention that I’ve gained most of the knowledge on micro-frontends and especially the things I wrote about in this article from the book by Micheal Geers “ Micro frontends in Action,” which I recommend reading if you want to know much more about this topic.

What’s next?

For the next chapter, we will be going towards the third architecture — Unified apps, as this type of architecture, mostly fits the AI annotation platform. We will be learning how to build unified micro-frontends. So stay tuned for the last third part.

Server-side vs Client-side Routing

Server-side vs Client-side Routing

Almost every website or web-application uses routing. Discovering a website by changing its URL is a very powerful feature that comes standard with the web. How all of this is handled can vary a lot between different websites and web-applications.

All websites and web-applications, whether they use server-side or client-side routing, are accessed from a server. How a website or web-application responds to different URLs is commonly handled server-side, although with the rising popularity of JavaScript frameworks, other ways have been found to manage routing.


Routing is the mechanism by which requests are connected to some code. It is essentially the way you navigate through a website or web-application. By clicking on a link, the URL changes which provides the user with some new data or a new webpage.


When browsing, the adjustment of a URL can make a lot of things happen. This will happen regularly by clicking on a link, which in turn will request a new page from the server. This is what we call a server-side route. A whole new document is served to the user.

A server-side request causes the whole page to refresh. This is because a new GET request is sent to the server which responds with a new document, completely discarding the old page altogether.


  • A server-side route will only request the data that’s needed. No more, no less.
  • Because server-side routing has been the standard for a long time, search engines are optimised for webpages that come from the server.


  • Every request results in a full-page refresh. That means that unnecessary data is being requested. A header and a footer of a webpage often stays the same. This isn’t something you would want to request from the server again.
  • It can take a while for the page to be rendered. However, this is only the case when the document to be rendered is very large or when you have slow internet speed.


A client-side route happens when the route is handled internally by the JavaScript that is loaded on the page. When a user clicks on a link, the URL changes but the request to the server is prevented. The adjustment to the URL will result in a changed state of the application. The changed state will ultimately result in a different view of the webpage. This could be the rendering of a new component, or even a request to a server for some data that the application will turn into some HTML elements.

It is important to note that the whole page won’t refresh when using client-side routing. There are just some elements inside the application that will change.


  • Because less data is processed, routing between views is generally faster.
  • Smooth transitions and animations between views are easier to implement.


  • The whole website or web-application needs to be loaded on the first request. That’s why the initial loading time usually takes longer.
  • Because the whole website or web-application is loaded initially, there is a possibility that there is data downloaded for views you won’t even come across.
  • It requires more setup work or even a library. Because server-side is the standard, extra code must be written to make client-side routing possible.
  • Search engine crawling is less optimised. Google is making good progress on crawling single-paged-apps, but it isn’t nearly as efficient as server-side routed websites.


There is no best method to manage your routing. Server-side and client-side routing both have their advantages and weaknesses. It is important to make your decision based on the needs of your website or web-application, or heck, even combine the two.

Client-side vs. Server-side vs. Pre-rendering for Web Apps

Client-side vs. Server-side vs. Pre-rendering for Web Apps

There is something going on within the front-end community recently. Server-side rendering is getting more and more traction thanks to React and its built-in server-side hydration feature. But it’s not the only solution to deliver a fast experience to the user with a super fast time-to-first-byte (TTFB) score: Pre-rendering is also a pretty good strategy. What’s the difference between these solutions and a fully client-rendered application?

Client-rendered Application

Since frameworks like Angular, Ember.js, and Backbone exists, front-end developers have tended to render everything client-side. Thanks to Google and its ability to “read” JavaScript, it works pretty well, and it’s even SEO friendly.

With a client-side rendering solution, you redirect the request to a single HTML file and the server will deliver it without any content (or with a loading screen) until you fetch all the JavaScript and let the browser compile everything before rendering the content.

Under a good and reliable internet connection, it’s pretty fast and works well. But it can be a lot better, and it doesn’t have to be difficult to make it that way. That’s what we will see in the following sections.

Server-side Rendering (SSR)

An SSR solution is something we used to do a lot, many years ago, but tend to forget in favor of a client-side rendering solution.

With old server-side rendering solutions, you built a web page—with PHP for example—the server compiled everything, included the data, and delivered a fully populated HTML page to the client. It was fast and effective.

But… every time you navigated to another route, the server had to do the work all over again: Get the PHP file, compile it, and deliver the HTML, with all the CSS and JS delaying the page load to a few hundred ms or even whole seconds.

What if you could do the first page load with the SSR solution, and then use a framework to do dynamic routing with AJAX, fetching only the necessary data?

This is why SSR is getting more and more traction within the community because React popularized this problem with an easy-to-use solution: The RenderToString method.

This new kind of web application is called a universal app or an isomorphic app. There’s still some controversy over the exact meanings of these terms and the relationship between them, but many people use them interchangeably.

Anyway, the advantage of this solution is being able to develop an app server-side and client-side with the same code and deliver a really fast experience to the user with custom data. The disadvantage is that you need to run a server.

SSR is used to fetch data and pre-populate a page with custom content, leveraging the server’s reliable internet connection. That is, the server’s own internet connection is better than that of a user with lie-fi), so it’s able to prefetch and amalgamate data before delivering it to the user.

With the pre-populated data, using an SSR app can also fix an issue that client-rendered apps have with social sharing and the OpenGraph system. For example, if you have only one index.html file to deliver to the client, they will only have one type of metadata—most likely your homepage metadata. This won’t be contextualized when you want to share a different route, so none of your routes will be shown on other sites with their proper user content (description and preview picture) that users would want to share with the world.


The mandatory server for a universal app can be a deterrent for some and may be overkill for a small application. This is why pre-rendering can be a really nice alternative.

I discovered this solution with Preact and its own CLI that allows you to compile all pre-selected routes so you can store a fully populated HTML file to a static server. This lets you deliver a super-fast experience to the user, thanks to the Preact/React hydration function, without the need for Node.js.

The catch is, because this isn’t SSR, you don’t have user-specific data to show at this point—it’s just a static (and somewhat generic) file sent directly on the first request, as-is. So if you have user-specific data, here is where you can integrate a beautifully designed skeleton to show the user their data is coming, to avoid some frustration on their part:

Using a document skeleton as part of a loading indicator

There is another catch: In order for this technique to work, you still need to have a proxy or something to redirect the user to the right file.


With a single-page application, you need to redirect all requests to the root file, and then the framework redirects the user with its built-in routing system. So the first page load is always the same root file.

In order for a pre-rendering solution to work, you need to tell your proxy that some routes need specific files and not always the root index.html file.

For example, say you have four routes (//about/jobs, and blog) and all of them have different layouts. You need four different HTML files to deliver the skeleton to the user that will then let React/Preact/etc. rehydrate it with data. So if you redirect all those routes to the root index.html file, the page will have an unpleasant, glitchy feel during loading, whereby the user will see the skeleton of the wrong page until it finishes loading and replaces the layout. For example, the user might see a homepage skeleton with only one column, when they had asked for a different page with a Pinterest-like gallery.

The solution is to tell your proxy that each of those four routes needs a specific file:

  • https://my-website.com → Redirect to the root index.html file
  • https://my-website.com/about → Redirect to the /about/index.html file
  • https://my-website.com/jobs → Redirect to the /jobs/index.html file
  • https://my-website.com/blog → Redirect to the /blog/index.html file

This is why this solution can be useful for small applications—you can see how painful it would be if you had a few hundred pages.

Strictly speaking, it’s not mandatory to do it this way—you could just use a static file directly. For example, https://my-website.com/about/ will work without any redirection because it will automatically search for an index.html inside its directory. But you need this proxy if you have param urls—https://my-website.com/profile/guillaume will need to redirect the request to /profile/index.html with its own layout, because profile/guillaume/index.html doesn’t exist and will trigger a 404 error.

A flowchart showing how a proxy makes a difference in a pre-rendering solution, as described in the previous paragraph

In short, there are three basic views at play with the rendering strategies described above: A loading screen, a skeleton, and the full page once it’s finally rendered.

Comparing a loading screen, a skeleton, and a fully-rendered page

Depending on the strategy, sometimes we use all three of these views, and sometimes we jump straight to a fully-rendered page. Only in one use case are we forced to use a different approach:

MethodLanding (e.g. /)Static (e.g. /about)Fixed Dynamic (e.g. /news)Parameterized Dynamic (e.g. /users/:user-id)
Client-renderedLoading → FullLoading → FullLoading → Skeleton → FullLoading → Skeleton → Full
Pre-renderedFullFullSkeleton → FullHTTP 404 (page not found)
Pre-rendered With ProxyFullFullSkeleton → FullSkeleton → Full

Client-only Rendering is Often Not Enough

Client-rendered applications are something we should avoid now because we can do better for the user. And doing better, in this case, is as easy as the pre-rendering solution. It’s definitely an improvement over client-only rendering and easier to implement than a fully server-side-rendered application.

An SSR/universal application can be really powerful if you have a large application with a lot of different pages. It allows your content to be focused and relevant when talking to a social crawler. This is also true for search engine robots, which now take your site’s performance into account when ranking it.

Stay tuned for a follow-up tutorial, where I will walk through the transformation of an SPA into pre-rendered and SSR versions, and compare their performance.